About us

There’s nothing like not getting killed in a grisly travel accident! My name is Timothy Wallace, and my main goals in life are to: A. Not die from a travel-related incident, and B: Keep that same fate from befalling others. It’s a spiteful, dangerous world out there, to the point where sometimes I debate even getting out of bed in the morning. I was raised by parents who love to travel all around the world, and they used to take my brother and I on trips to the most bizarre and hazardous locales imaginable. Places where you couldn’t even drink the water for fear of some putrid parasite puncturing your brains. My brother Monterey loved all of this and he grew up to become a famous travel reporter and agent. Myself? I just want to save the unwary from falling into spiked pits or treading on a death adder. When you’re traveling, you’re often entering an environment you’ve never seen before, with surprises that could end your precious life in seconds! Even traveling to a major city can be dangerous. I was mugged once when my family took me to London. Can you believe that? I hope you’ll read the articles on my blog and learn a thing or two about how to keep a similar fate from befalling you.


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